Subway Surveillance.v.3.5 questions & answers

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Question by Guest
March 6, 2014

We wish to purchase a PC used for monitoring purposes here in the office using Subway Surveillance. We would like the ability to monitor as many different video streams as possible (we have 10 stores presently) and to that end I was searching for minimum/recommended system specs for a pc, but I can't seem to find anything like that in my web searches. Can anyone help me?

Answer by Sean Hill

You can use any Intel or AMD processor with Windows 7 (because Windows XP will soon be discontinued) and a good graphic card. It's recommended to have one with good bandwidth (256 kb or better). Ram is also recommended to be 4 GB DDR3 in Dual Channel or 8 GB DD3 in Dual Channel. Once you meet these requirements, you should be able to run the software to perform monitoring.

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Eyeline Video Surveillance

A video surveillance solution supporting local and remote cameras.

Synology Surveillance Station

Access Surveillance Station on your Synology products.

Amcrest Surveillance Pro

View real-time and playback video from various Amcrest cameras.